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With this blog I intend to post a picture weekly, if not more often, to keep you updated with my photographic projects.
Hope to hear from you too.

Monday, November 22, 2010

MOTH Memorial

My assignment was anything to do with a military theme.
I remembered the MOTH hall in Brooklyn, Cape Town had a gun of some sort outside and made a turn there.

It was named after Tommy Rendle, a bandsman in the 1st Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, who was awarded the Victoria Cross for bravery under fire while rescuing comrades who had been buried by an exploding shell.

Managed to get a few decent shots of the small Garden of Remembrance.


Harvey said...

Hi Lorna,
Hope I wasn't too harsh on your entry over at DPC. I like the POV of the artillery piece. Well done and writing up the history as well. So few people even bother these days with that! I love the B&W shot of the Moth hat and Rifles on the wall.
Regards, H

LornaD said...

Thanks for your comment,Harvey.
I knew the angle might not sit well with some but wanted to include the whole piece.