Welcome to my Blog

Thank you for making a turn.
With this blog I intend to post a picture weekly, if not more often, to keep you updated with my photographic projects.
Hope to hear from you too.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Tennis group

Had fun here catching the player and ball in the same frame - but not everytime!

MOTH Memorial

My assignment was anything to do with a military theme.
I remembered the MOTH hall in Brooklyn, Cape Town had a gun of some sort outside and made a turn there.

It was named after Tommy Rendle, a bandsman in the 1st Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, who was awarded the Victoria Cross for bravery under fire while rescuing comrades who had been buried by an exploding shell.

Managed to get a few decent shots of the small Garden of Remembrance.

Kids social group

Once a month my kids get a break from being my exclusive photographic models .....

.....and some other children get "shot" instead.

Dogs galore

I don't only take portraits of humans........

I also take pictures of their four-legged friends........

Babies, babies

I go to a moms and babies group every month and it is amazing every time to see how the little ones are growing.

You forget how quickly your own ones changed until you are reminded by seeing other babes.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Family time at the farm

This is what you call "killing two birds with one stone" ( I always DID feel sorry for those birds!)
C asked me, as a favour, to take some family pics for her at the same time.

What a pleasure!
Images taken Sunday, 5 November 2010

Bridal shoot at old farmhouse

What a stunningly different location to do a shoot like this!!!
The contrast between the bride and the environment made such an impact for me.
Thank you to C who was willing to stretch to the challenge.
Images taken Sunday, 5 November 2010.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Had the opportunity to visit a local fleamarket last weekend.
You can find anything there from an anchor to a needle.....

..........................and lots of interesting faces!

R300 Interchange

My next assignment was EARLY on last Friday morning - between 4 and 5 AM!!!
Is she crazy? you might ask (that question to be answered on another occasion in the future!)

But I think it was worth it!
It is REALLY beautiful in the early morning - try it sometime....

Kalk Bay

Went on an early morning photographic shoot to this scenic little harbour.

The light wasn't great, with heavy cloud and showers, but did get a few shots I was happy with.

PS I know I haven't posted for a week but got lots to show you - a retrospective tour!!!