Welcome to my Blog

Thank you for making a turn.
With this blog I intend to post a picture weekly, if not more often, to keep you updated with my photographic projects.
Hope to hear from you too.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Last tennis for 2010

Last tennis coaching session for this year.

Just HAD to take a group picture!

Lamborghini Diablo

What a beautiful car!

Still have lots of images to edit but been sidetracked for now.

Dros photo shoot

I did a shoot for the Dros Restaurant nearby in Willowbridge.

Had fun shooting the inside and outside of the building in the daytime and also the evening.

Product shots 3 - Smirnoff

I saw this idea a while back on the internet.
It was an advertising campaign used for Hennesy's - also using using light painting.
This is my version with Smirnoff.

Boy! did I learn a lot doing this one!

Product shots 2 - Nappy advert

Well........ this product is VERY close to hand in this house still........
......and there's a model on call too!

So why not make the most of it?

Product shots 1 - Ferrari

Assignment for November was product photography.

Had a lot of fun with this assignment!

Yzerfontein se vistermanne

Made a trip out to Yzerfontein. up the Cape West Coast, to scout the locations for a wedding I will be doing in January 2011.
Some really nice images to capture here........

......and some interesting faces too!